Day: May 21, 2022

How to make your website more search engine friendly

How to make your website more search engine friendly

How to make your website more search engine friendly


Search engines like Google crawl websites automatically to understand what each page is about and how it should be presented. This is an eample of a page that gets crawled frequently The more pages a website has and the more relevant those pages are to search engine users, the higher that site will rank in Google searches. Finding ways to enhance a website’s search engine friendliness is one of the best ways to get more traffic and build trust with potential customers. No matter what niche you’re in or how many people are visiting your site, there are always ways you can make it more user-friendly for searching engines. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Write optimized content

Search engines are looking for more than just a ton of keywords and links on your website’s pages. They’re also looking for readable and relevant content. That’s why having optimized content is a must for improving search engine friendliness. Try to write for both a general audience and a targeted audience. The general audience will be reading your content for an overall understanding of the topic, while the targeted audience is much more interested in a specific topic. Use topics from both audiences to create optimized content. If you’re in the fitness niche and want to create a blog post about getting fit with a dog, you could use the topic ‘How to get fit with your dog’ as the basis of your post.

Optimize your images

You’re probably also aware that Google takes into account the size and quality of the images on this website. So, if you want your images to show up in search engine results, then you’ll want to make them large, high-quality images. You don’t want low-quality images to look like they’ve been taken with a throwaway camera phone. How large should your images be? We’d say at least 1000px square, but for the best results, we’d go for 1200px square. You may be tempted to just grab a stock photo from a website, but you’ll want to make sure that the stock photo is suitable for your website and topic. And, of course, make sure the color and saturation of your images are optimized for the best results.

Add internal and external links

Links are like the crayons of SEM according to the developers at You can use them in any color you want. That being said, you probably want them to be blue. At the very least, you’ll want to make sure that the majority of your links are internal links. These links will help search engines understand your content better and they’ll also help your users discover more content on your website by directing them to other pages inside the site. External links, on the other hand, will actually send your visitors to the original website from which you’re linking. This is something you’ll want to do if your link is relevant to the topic at hand and will help your website rank for its target keywords by sending users to other relevant websites. You can add both internal and external links in a number of different ways. Internal links are usually hyperlinked words or phrases within your content. External links are usually shorter phrases or URLs. Furthermore, you can add both internal and external links using the text, images, or even videos on your webpage.

Write compelling content headlines

Your headline is like the perfect first impression you’ll make on Google. In fact, it can even be the difference between ranking highly in the search engines and just sitting at the bottom of the page. Your content headlines are the first thing that Google bots will see on your site so they need to be written with the utmost care and attention. A headline that is poorly written or even just a poorly chosen headline can completely ruin all your hard work in the rest of your article. Try to choose a headline that is short and to the point. If there is any keyword or topic that you are especially interested in ranking for, then you can also try to use a compelling headline around that topic.

Create a user persona and create date-based (and time-based) content for it

If you want to rank for certain keywords in Google’s search results, you’ll need to create a user persona. Google’s algorithm analyzes different user personas to understand how your audience is searching and how they’re searching for information. When you create a user persona, you should think about who your audience is and what they’re seeking. In other words, think about how your audience prefers to find information. After you and your audience have figured this out, you can start creating content that is more relevant to them. This is best done by creating a user persona based on your target audience. Once you’ve created your user persona, start creating relevant content that will be helpful to your users. This content should include helpful tutorials, guides, articles, and any other formats that will help your users get their answers and solve their problems.

Create a Spotlight or Knowledge Base article for your audience

If you have any type of expert content on your website, then you’ll want to consider creating a Spotlight article. These are a type of guide that are written for specific audiences. They can be used for both a general and a targeted audience. While there are certain things you should keep in mind when creating a Spotlight article, it is a great way to add more value to your content and rank for more keywords and to generate more traffic to your site. A knowledge base, on the other hand, is a collection of articles that serve as a resource for your readers. While these articles can be in any topic area, they’re usually focused on helping your audience solve their problems or solving the problems of a smaller, more targeted audience. A knowledge base is a great way to provide real value to your readers by providing them with authoritative information.

Rank for specific keywords in Google search results

A big factor in ranking in Google’s search engine results is the quality of your content. However, you can also improve your chances by optimizing your keywords and writing a variety of content that is more specific to your target keyword. This involves writing unique and highly optimized content for your target keywords. This will help your website rank for the most relevant keywords and steer Google bots to your site for the best results. To get the most out of this method, you’ll want to create content that is more specific to your target keywords. This means writing unique, more specific content that will help you rank for your target keywords. You’ll also want to use a variety of keywords, synonyms, and other keyword-related content for your pages to show Google that you cover a wide range of topics.

Bottom line

When it comes to ranking in search engine results, quality content is king. That’s why writing optimized content, optimizing your images, adding internal and external links, and even creating a user persona and a knowledge base are just some of the best ways to make your website more search engine friendly. And when it comes to ranking for specific keywords in Google’s search engine results, the key is to create content that is more specific to your target keywords. This will help Google bots find your website and send your visitors to your pages for the best results.